Sunday, October 26, 2014

Space Diagrams


  1. Hito, your program and layout of the spaces is coming along. You should begin to lay out the spaces based on square footage requirements and begin to explore with double height spaces.A connection and "flow" between your spaces either physically or visually is crucial to the success of your project. Your are making good progress and your project is taking shape quite well.
    Keep up the hard work.

  2. It is good to see a sectional diagramme. Ori is right, start putting real areas and volumes together and then re-stuff the sausage as they say,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hito, I like the reading of the site in the next section as well at the program/diagram you present here. Your section should develop further in the next presentations as it needs a little clean up (make it more architectural) and your program could potentially flow with the form, breaking a bit from the superimposed grid, but it depends what you are trying to accomplish superimposing these two. Explorer the option Ori is mentioning here, creating double height spaces or split levels, which may help develop the grid and the program. I also see an opportunity to alter the landscape.
